Thursday, February 25, 2010

I'm going to rant about why Wendy's Fast Food Is ingloriously, yet delicious and breath taking. Why do we always eat fast food? Why do we waste away our earnings on food that goes to our thighs? why..why..why...Why is the question?
I'm first going to start off with the Number 6 Classic spiccyy chicken burger. It consists of Lettuce, Tomatoes, and a nice hot juicy chicken breast, Oh but has mayonnaise but minus that. When you take the first bite, its like entering an exotic forest, you don't know what to expect until you stop and take it in. Just like the burger you have to stop and taste what your biting into, because I'm sure you don't want to be biting into uncooked, and pink chicken now do you?. Second on my list would most defiantly have to be the Chicken Nuggets. Mmm mmm. Where to start with those... I suppose there just like the spicy chicken burger, but there little chicken chunks that you eat in smaller bites, these nuggets make my mind blank. For example, right now all I'm thinking about is eating Wendy's chicken nuggets, dipping them in there savory, sweet yet luscious plum sauce. People may not take my side on the nuggets and maybe go toward the Chicken Strips, but those just feel like your momma's made them for you for lunch, after coming in from tanning naked in your back yard. Chicken strips are the definition of BORING in my vocabulary. OK, enough with the Chicken Fiesta, Next I'm going to compliment them on there Ice Tea. Laugh all you want, but there ice tea is the best Ive ever had. Even the Nestea isn't as good as Wendy's Lemon ice tea. Simply Tasteful. The ice tea does the job, and gives your food a smooth way down.
I really don't know what it is hidden in there ice tea, chicken nuggets, and the spicy chicken burger, but whatever it is has me keep wanting more. If I had a Very High metabolism, i would most likely eat chicken burgers, chicken nuggets and drink ice tea everyday. Wendy's is like my Cocaine Drug, People need it everyday to survive, me on the other hand need Wendy's chicken and ice tea.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Top 3:
I'm going to discuss with you my top 3 favorite songs of 2009. In 2009, there was the top 100 charts on Itunes which shows you the powerful tunes which half the world enjoyed, and danced there hearts out to. Artists from the lower end to the highest top charts strut there stuff and let you head bang to there music. From 2009, I'm judging my 3 favorite songs based on lyrics, the artist, and the ratings viewers give them. The ratings could range from Twitter all the way to Much Music Head Quarters. My top 3 include...Young Forever -Jay Z, Russian Roulette-Rihanna, and Set the fire to the third bar- Snow Patrol.

Young Forever was a very powerful song in the 2009-2010 music hit list, why? because Jay Z took Bob Dylan's original content and turned it into a rap version. Jay Z featured Hudson to sing to the top of the charts with him, and also winning Grammy awards for his very song. Young Forever traveled all over the world, allowing everyone to listen to his tune, and that's what made his song hit the top of the charts. Personally it is one of my favorite songs. I listen to the lyrics and Jay Z is describing the life he lives, and how he doesn't want to grow old. This song got a whopping 4.5 stars. This song reminds me of being a little girl, playing dress up, and telling my parents I'm never going to grow old, realistically we do and we just have to live with it. We as "adults" joke about being a different age, and this song makes me jumble of jokes about being young forever.
Russian Roulette was another one of my favorite songs of the 2009-10 music charts. When Rihanna produced this song off of her new CD Hard, It went sky high around the world. The radio's were playing it every second they could get, Itunes produced it in the top 10 songs of the week. This song was rated a whole 4 stars. Rihanna was back in business when her new hot single came out. This is one of my favorite songs to listen to when your driving around town just cruising. Finally, Set the fire to the third bar by Snow Patrol, was kind of hidden in the music background. Snow Patrol is a lower end band but still people have found to listen to there great music. They were noticed 10x more when the producer of " Dear John" put them in the soundtrack as an opener song for there movie. From having this song as an opener for Dear John it brought the artist and there song up to a whole 3.5 star on the rating charts. This song has jumped out at me because of the soothing, yet powerful lyrics the band has included. The lyrics are about love and finding the right person.

Therefore, my top 3 of music choices of 2009 consist of Jay Z, Young forever, Rihanna with Russian Roulette, and Set the fire to the third bar by Snow Patrol. They have impacted my experience for living in the '09's.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Everyone has heard about what happened in Haiti, Here on my blog you can connect to the website which will allow you to donate your dollars. Every penny counts, therefore everyone should donate.
http://www.worldvision.ca/ . So help out Haiti people!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

If i could have any super ppwer in the world, i would want to be someone and something that has the ability to read peoples mind. If i could read someones mind, i would be able to tell if there in trouble, and if there safe or not. I'd be a normal person until someone needed my help, and then id put on my suite and become someones hero. My outfit would be like cat womans, slick, black leather, and outrageous, so people wouldnt be able to tell from my real self. Id try and save as much people as posible, so everyone in the world would have a hero. I would have the power to run fast like a cat, nevertheless have the power to actually be a cat.