Thursday, April 1, 2010


The All Time Famous Starbucks Drink!
Why is it that most of the world drinks Starbucks, or goes and wastes the money on the drinks and food? when you could go to Tim Horten's and spend half of what you spend at Starbucks. Is it the price, the people, the atmosphere, the cup or is it just the coffee it self. My personal opinion goes to most of what I listed, I love the drinks, the people, well most.. are fantastic to talk to, the atmosphere makes you want to stay and drink, and now the new cups have funky designs on them so they make you look at them, or if your the type of person who buys stuff that looks good. Yes I know you cant buy a Maricano, or a " non fat caramel macciato with extra drizzle" anywhere else that's why we go to Starbucks, but other coffee shops do give you some sort of style drink like that. The price could be a bit crazy, $4.55 for a medium, or almost $5.00 for a large, its nuts but we all do it. They must put something in there coffee to make us come back for more, because its just that addicting.

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