Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My most memorable place as a child would take place way back in the day when my best friend of the time Brandi and I found this open lot behind our houses. This house got torn down and there was this huge open space. This place was our very own hide out, place to go when we got in trouble, or just a place to go to get dirty. This magical lot made a whole lot of memories, memories that a child would think back on. This lot was everything. Everyday after school we'd go and hang out, run up and down the hills and have races who could go the fastest. Some guy would dump his old wood there, and we used the wood to build forts, and these forts were are own little sanctuary. Later on during this time period of this open lot, the neighborhood kids started recognizing this party place, and started playing with us. It was nice because right beside, was this home that had raspberry bushes, so if we needed a snack we could snack on the raspberry's. Very useful. We would spend all day just in this big dirt hole, amusing ourselves. Ill never forget the day, it was a beating hot summery day and the guy who I was talking about earlier in the story, dropped on sheets of plywood, and the trees were cut so there was just stumps left, reasonable size stumps. These stumps supported our roof to our fort we built, to stay cool. I remember it stinking like old socks, just rotten smell, but we didn't care. I thought it would be funny to see if the roof would support me if I jumped on it, so what did i do.. I jumped! leaped for it, and WACK! the plywood snapped right in half. Brandi who was viewing what I was doing, was standing off to the side, the plywood flew and hit Brandi in the face, and split her lip wide open!. How did it miss me? I don't know!. Soon the blood started gushing, gushing like the waterfalls as you enter Chillawak on your way to Vancouver. I ran home and my mom was vacuuming the house, and I told her, but was way to nervous to tell Teresa ( her mom ), so my mom did. After all was said and done, I thought we would be banned from our "second home", or even getting in trouble for jumping and sending Brandi to the Hospital. But we didn't. She got her stitches and life carried on. Life was fun, as we continued to play in the dirt.